Selasa, 05 April 2022

Benefits of dates

Benefits of dates

Hearing the word dates in our minds, we already imagine a blackish brown fruit that has a sweet taste originating from Arabia, it turns out that it has a lot of benefits that can be obtained when we consume it regularly and in accordance with health recommendations, fruit dates that are liked to be eaten by people. This prophet has become one of the fruits that people like and often look for, especially when it comes to the holy month of Ramadan because in dates there are many good ingredients contained in these dates, there are also many benefits that can be obtained from dates, here are some The benefits of dates include:

1. Maintain digestion to stay healthy

This fruit has good dietary fiber depending on the stage of maturity, about 6.4% to 11.5% of dates contain or consist of fiber, especially insoluble fiber. Everyone who eats fibrous foods every day about 25 or 30 grams per day can avoid the problem of diarrhea and constipation. Like dates, which have insoluble fiber, which is beneficial and helps solidify stool and facilitate digestion for people who consume it.

Dates also have a high phenolic content that can cleanse the intestines, thereby reducing the risk for date-consumers of colon cancer. Dates also have anti-inflammatory and protective properties so that they keep the stomach healthy when we fast in the month of Ramadan

2. Prevent the risk of diabetes

Although dates taste sweet, it turns out that these dates do not have a high potential to increase the risk of getting diabetes. Instead, the content in dates, namely the fiber content, helps those consuming dates reduce the risk of diabetes because fiber is not easily digested or is digested more slowly when in the stomach so that it helps the body. it is better to control blood sugar levels in other studies that dates have a low glycemic index, so dates are one of the fruits that do not immediately increase blood sugar levels after eating

3. Improve bone health

Old age is usually very vulnerable to bones to keep our bones healthy until we are old, one of the right consumptions for us is dates, because dates contain selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium which are needed to maintain healthy bones and the nutrients contained in them. in dates has the potential to prevent osteoporosis.

4. Prevent anemia

Dates also contain very high iron, so for people who are easily tired and have pale skin due to iron deficiency or anemia, dates are very suitable to prevent anemia because the iron paint in dates can help prevent and repair iron in a person's body. eat dates.

5. Improves heart health

The heart needs vitamins and minerals to improve heart health and dates contain many vitamins and minerals that are useful for improving heart health, therefore dates are very suitable for consumption.

The magnesium and potassium contained in dates help lower blood pressure to a healthier level. Dates also have fiber content in the fruit, which is useful for reducing bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Experts recommend consuming dates at least twice a week to maintain a healthy heart

6. Fight free radicals

Dates have high antioxidants that can reduce the effects of free radicals in the body. Dates can protect cells and body tissues from chronic stress and inflammation that trigger various diseases because they have antioxidants.


The types of antioxidants present in dates, namely, flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acids, some of these types can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, carotenoids can also reduce aging-related eye disorders such as macular degeneration.

7. Maintain brain health

So that our minds are always clear so that they are always healthy and healthy until old age, dates can be a law for all of us because dates are one of the fruits that can maintain our brain health, especially if routine and in accordance with health recommendations to consume them.

The flavonoid antioxidants found in dates are said to be beneficial for brain health because flavonoid antioxidants are considered to reduce inflammation in the brain. However, further research is still needed to ascertain the potential role of this Arabic fruit for human brain health.

That's my discussion this time regarding dates, some of the benefits that we can know, hopefully it will be useful for me and all of us, hopefully it will be a charity of worship for all of us, and lastly, I apologize if there are any explanations or mistakes in my writing and thank you for reading my article. I hope there are inputs and suggestions for me so that I can develop even more in the future.

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